The first half of the Lykken on Lending program will feature our Weekly read more info about our regulars and weekly updates go to our website! --- Weekly Updates with Alice, Allen, Matt, Les, and Rob PART 3 It is Monday, May 9th, 2022. We’re thrilled to have you here. Joining me here is Jack Nunnery, my co-host. This show is … [Read more...]
02-28-2022 Weekly Updates With Alice, Allen, Matt, Les, And Rob
The first half of the Lykken on Lending program will feature our Weekly Updates. Go to our website to read more about our regulars and weekly updates! --- Weekly Updates With Alice, Allen, Matt, Les, And Rob It is Monday, February 28th, 2022, the last day of February. We are about ready to put that in the review mirror. We are going to start … [Read more...]