In this special Mother's Day episode of Lykken on Lending, we have Jason Frazier and his mother, Marilyn Richardson of Mason-McDuffie Mortgage, a TOP 100 Mortgage Company of America! Jason Frazier specializes in Real Estate & Mortgage Marketing, Social Media, Technology, and Branding for the modern consumer. Ms. Richardson is the … [Read more...]
5-13-19 Hot Topic 1 Mother’s Day Special Episode: Mentorship and Becoming a Leader in the Mortgage Industry
In this special Mother's Day episode of Lykken on Lending, we Marcia Davies and her daughter Emily Davies. Marcia is the Chief Operating Officer and Founder of mPower at Mortgage Bankers Association. Emily is the Senior Customer Relationship Manager for Freddie Mac. Excerpts from Marcia and Emily Davies' Interview: Listen: The … [Read more...]
5-13-19 Mother’s Day Special Episode: Mentorship and Becoming a Leader in the Mortgage Industry
In this special Mother's Day episode of Lykken on Lending, we have 2 interviews for you! To start off the Hot Topic, we have an interview with Marcia Davies and her daughter Emily Davies. Marcia is the Chief Operating Officer and Founder of mPower at Mortgage Bankers Association. Emily is the Senior Customer Relationship Manager for Freddie … [Read more...]