There are a lot of educational resources to learn from when it comes to the lending industry. You can read up on books or listen to podcasts about the state of the markets. But most importantly, you can attend the right conferences. But what happens if you can't attend? Don't worry because the guest today, Kevin Peranio, has you covered. … [Read more...]
4-13-20 Hot Topic Pandemic Changing the way Leaders need to Communicate
With all that's happening in the world due to the pandemic, it appears like we're quickly transitioning from the Industrial Age to the Information Age. With that transition comes a lot of adjustments for how leaders will lead their teams to success! Great leaders know the value of consistent communication, especially in times where there is … [Read more...]
4-13-20 Pandemic Changing the way Leaders need to Communicate
With all that's happening in the world due to the pandemic, it appears like we're quickly transitioning from the Industrial Age to the Information Age. With that transition comes a lot of adjustments for how leaders will lead their teams to success! Great leaders know the value of consistent communication, especially in times where there is … [Read more...]