Ainsworth Advisors

February 13, 2024
02-12-24 Fed Gives Bears “Just What I (They) Needed”
———————– I don’t mind correcting here, waiting all the time. Bonds are waiting for the Fed to see inflation crashing
February 5, 2024
02-05-24 When Does A “Zombie” Stop Fighting?
———————– Another model’s breaking Hard to take it over.The Fed is finished raising rates, yet the fight between the Bond
January 29, 2024
01-29-24 “Break The Rules” To Break The Ice Jam
———————– Erratic buys Blow our minds Bears feel alright What does mechanical trading, dipping volatility, and bubbling crude tell us?
January 22, 2024
01-22-24 It’s A “Love Story” If Buyers Say Yes!
———————– Bonds got tired of waiting. Wondering if Jay was ever coming around. Did the Bond buyers buy on Friday?
January 15, 2024
01-15-24 “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” Signs of Misunderstanding
———————– China, does your deflation hurt now? Sometimes, rates feel a little glad. What inflation? Since the US PPI fell,
January 8, 2024
01-08-24 The Rate Trend is “Searching for It’s Baby”
———————– Bulls wonder, they wonder why Bonds had to go down this way The rate trend is down, but the 10-year
December 18, 2023
12.18.23 Mortgage Rates “Winds of Change” Give Renters Hope To Buy
———————– We follow the rate drop and down to Reno Mark Listening to the wind – of change. Mortgages reached our target
December 11, 2023
12-11-23 The World Says “You Spin Me Round”
———————– If Bonds get to know Joe’s game. Well, then rates will trace Jobs private number, downward. The world is upset at
December 4, 2023
12-04-23 Recent Indicators Suggest “A New Day Has Come”
———————– We’ve been waiting for so long, For Fed tightening to stop. Since the new bull market began in early November, long-term
November 27, 2023
11-27-23 Uncertainty’s Pickett Fence of Obstacles “In the Midnight Hour”
———————– Notes gonna wait till the midnight hour. That’s when their yields come tumbling down Foreign markets and midnight meetings impact mortgage
November 20, 2023
11-20-23 “Do I Wanna Know?” If There’s Something on My Teeth
———————– Have you got color on your screens? Do you ever get that fear that you can’t shift your trade,
November 20, 2023
11-13-23 “Three Little Pigs” For Grown Ups!
———————– Little pig, inflation, let Fed in. Not by deflation; China sent, sent, sent. Well, Jay’s huffin’, He’s puffin’, He’ll blowing
November 9, 2023
11-06-23 “Doctor My Eyes” Can’t See Loan Volume Increases
———————– Time, time, time.  See what’s become of BEARS.  While BULLS look around for their possibilities.The Less than Zero curve is
November 7, 2023
10-30-23 Whether Fed Tightens or Does Nothing, it will be a
———————– Time, time, time.  See what’s become of BEARS.  While BULLS look around for their possibilities.The Less than Zero curve is
October 24, 2023
10-23-2023 Fed Tightening? “Baby, One More Time”
———————– Oh bully bearishOh, bully, bearish, how were we supposed to knowThe bully bears had the Fed in its corner. but
October 18, 2023
10-16-2023 Rewind to “1979”
———————– Khomeini 1979.  Cruel Iran always has the time.Khomeini took power in 1979 from the Shah.  Instability in the Middle
October 11, 2023
10-09-2023 Will The Terrorist War Move Bears “Down Under?”
———————– Traveling in a fried-out Bear Trend On a steeper trail makes bears like zombiesBiden enables Iran to make billions on Oil
October 11, 2023
10-02-2023 Speed and Curves Often Cause A “Crash”
———————– Steepening goes too fast.  So MBS’ gonna Crash.Higher rates in the long end than the short end annoyed mortgages.  Prices
October 1, 2023
09-25-2023 “Nevermore” Timing is Everything
———————– Listen to Fed’s freeze, whispers sell Bonds, please. Don’t send bears to the path of Nevermore. While Bonds nodded, nearly napping,
October 1, 2023
09-18-2023 Bonds are “Looking Through You”
———————– Fed’s not the same.Fed’s lips are moving.  Bonds cannot hear. Jay’s voice is hounding markets with one of these days markets
October 1, 2023
09-11-2023 Will There Be Crowing or “Dancing in the Moonlight”?
———————– Every trader here is out of sight.  They will scalp, and they will bite.  They keep things loose, Fed keeps
October 1, 2023
09-04-2023 Decelerating US Economy, “War Pigs” Want Mayhem!
———————– Yield curve’s short end hides itself away.  Fed only started the war. Despite the bearish trend, the Fed is stuck with
October 1, 2023
08-28-2023 “I Saw The Sign” It Was High Tech
———————– Bonds saw The Sign, and it opened up their eyes.  They saw The Sign.  Bears are demanding without understanding.Another week
August 24, 2023
08-21-2023 “Rainy Day Women” Who is Getting Stoned Now?
———————– 08-21-2023 “Rainy Day Women” Who is Getting Stoned Now? Data stone you when you’re tryin’ to lock a loan.  Then data