Are you letting technology keep your business relevant in today’s changing market? Join Kyle McCray, Innovations Manager at American Pacific Mortgage, to learn about exciting new trends in technology, building innovative solutions, reaching millennials and attracting new business professionals into the industry plus much more. This podcast will help you stay relevant and fresh in today’s market and will shed light on how technology is changing the future of the mortgage industry. Don’t miss it!
For more information on Kyle, make sure you visit his website
As normal, the first half of the program will feature, Joe Farr of MBSQuoteline providing a rate & market update, Alice Alvey of Indecomm Global Services providing a regulatory & legislative update as well as Paul Muolo of IMF News & Sam Garcia of Mortgage Daily giving us a quick overview of the latest news stories impacting our industry and Andy Schell, a/k/a “Profit Doctor” sharing ideas on how to improve your bottom line.
Please tell others about this program and take a minute to share a link to this program with your friends and associates in the mortgage industry.
Thank you, David Lykken
#AliceAlvey #JoeFarr #AndySchell #ProfitDoctor #PaulMuolo #SamGarcia #DavidLykken #MarketUpdate #LegislativeUpdate #HotTopic #KyleMcCray #innovationtechnology