[Adam] Hi, I’m Adam DeSanctis. This is the Mortgage Minute, the latest news from the Mortgage Bankers Association. And I’ve got great news to share. As you know, MBA has led a diverse set of coalition partners to help advance needed reforms that would curb trigger lead abuses while preserving their use in appropriately limited circumstances during a real estate transaction. Late Thursday, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Senator Jack Reed and Ranking Member Senator Roger Wicker filed a manager’s package of 93 amendments to S. 4638, the Committee Passed National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, for fiscal year 2025. This Reed Wicker package includes Senate Amendment 2358, which is the text of the Homebuyers Privacy Protection Act, the MBA supported Hagerty Reed Legislation designed to curb the abusive use of trigger leads. Including the Hagerty Reed language in the manager’s package affirms our preferred trigger lead’s approach will almost certainly be included in the final Senate version of an NDAA and within ongoing negotiations with the House that will take place through year’s end. So, what’s next? The full Senate must proceed to its floor debate on the NDAA and ultimately finalize its version of this must pass bill. The House and Senate will then reconcile their individual versions of an NDAA. Including the fate of the Haggerty Reed language during negotiations led by the leadership of the respective armed services committees, MBA will continue to work with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to highlight the importance of preserving this important proposal during the forthcoming Senate debate and eventual NDAA negotiations between House and Senate leaders later this year. That’s it for this week. Thank you for listening.