December 25, 2024
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Navigating Change: Housing Policy, MLO Comp, and the Future
The mortgage industry is no stranger to change, and the challenges it faces today demand bold discussions and innovative solutions.
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June 14, 2022
06-13-2022 Weekly Updates from Adam, Les, Matt, Alice, and Allen
The first half of the Lykken on Lending program will feature our Weekly Updates. We’ve got Adam DeSanctis with his MBA Mortgage
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June 28, 2021
6-28-21 Recent Ruling By SCOTUS With Mitch Kider
As soon as SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States) issued the rulings on the director of FHFA my
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January 9, 2019
1-9-19 What to Expect from Calabria’s Leadership of FHFA with David
In this interview David Lykken talks with David Stevens and Jim Parrott about their perspective of what can be expected from Calabria’s leadership as
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