Part 1 of a 4 part series on THE FUTURE of INDEPENDENT MTG BANKERS (IMB’s) – Capital Requirements

Part 1 of a 4 part series on THE FUTURE of INDEPENDENT MTG BANKERS (IMB’s) – Capital Requirements

As you may know, capital requirements for independent mortgage bankers are going up dramatically over the next couple of years. Today on Lykken-On-Lending, David along with his special guest, Ken Kummerer, VP of SW Securities discussed these increased capital requirements and provide ideas for how independent mortgage bankers can meet or exceed these new capital requirements. The basis for this discussion will be the report prepared and presented by Ken and others at the Annual MBA Convention in Atlanta. Ken was apart of a group of up-and-coming mortgage professionals that were accepted into the MBA’s Future Mortgage Leaders program. Many in this group were guests on this radio program back in December 6, 2010. In that program, they gave an overview of the report that their group prepared and presented at the Annual MBA Convention. After the program aired on December 6th, we received a number of requests to “go deeper” into that report. So this program is the first in a series of four programs that do just that… go delve deeper into this excellent report. Please join us and tell your friends and associates to do the same.