The MORTGAGE CALL REPORT (Part III) – Will you be ready?

The MORTGAGE CALL REPORT (Part III) – Will you be ready?

The MORTGAGE CALL REPORT is due in two weeks.  Many smaller companies have the mistake notion that because they are not a mortgage banking company, they do not have to prepare the new MORTGAGE CALL REPORT… that is WRONG!!  All licensed entities, even a one person company, has to file this report to the National Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) which in turn is forward to YOUR state regulator.  ARE YOU READY?  On this program, regular weekly guests on the Lykken On  Lending show, Alice Alvey, Andy Schell & Joe Farr, will be diving deeper into the specifics of what is involved with getting prepared to accurately submitt this report to NMLS.  You do NOT want to miss this series of broadcasts on this critical deadline.  This does not have to be all scary and negative.  Listen and learn how you can use this information to better manage your business.