Unlocking Social Media Success – Social Coach on Compliance, Authenticity, and Lead Generation in Mortgage Marketing with Joe Wilson of Social Coach

Unlocking Social Media Success – Social Coach on Compliance, Authenticity, and Lead Generation in Mortgage Marketing with Joe Wilson of Social Coach

[David] Listeners. I’m really excited to have a friend, a new client and someone that I’m really enjoying getting to know on the podcast with me, it is Joe Wilson, the CEO and Founder of Social Coach, and he leads a cutting-edge platform. He created a cutting-edge platform that is revolutionizing how mortgage and financial professionals engage on social media. We all know we need it to do some struggle with that. He helps with that. Some are struggling with the compliance aspects of it. He really helps with that, and everybody knows of the inherent risk that’s involved with getting out there with rogue employees. So, Joe’s got a solution to a growing problem. We’re really excited to talk to him about that. Joe, good to have you on the podcast. Thanks so much for joining me today.

[Joe] David, thank you so much for having me. It’s been a long time coming and I appreciate you taking the time to talk today.

[David] Yeah I’m really looking forward to it. I think when we look at the growing problem, first of all, address the problem that you’re addressing with Social Coach, because everyone knows we, as I said at the beginning, everyone knows we need to communicate more. But there’s inherent risk when we start just letting it go out there unsupervised or unregulated or just unscripted.

[Joe] I think you’re right. It is absolutely a growing problem. One that many executives are becoming aware of more intimately now that I believe that more loan officers in the country are saying, you know what, I’m fed up with this. Everyone else is doing it. It’s time for me to do it and so more are getting themselves out there and it’s a very disjointed process. It’s almost like the wild west. It feels a little like pre 2010 with the new GF fee. I I’ll quote fees however I want it. There’s no oversight. I’ll just figure things out and then, 2010 came along and said, no, we’re going to regulate this and then 2012 came along and even more or I guess it was a lot after 2012 was 2016, but 2016, but this, we’re at that same moment from a marketing perspective, it feels we have all a very active, very interested loan officer base out there that need to market themselves and because of the pandemic, because of the increased usage of social media, they’re looking for new and inventive ways of connecting with their potential consumers, but more importantly, their referral partners who are spending a significant amount of time on social media, getting business and loan officers were a little bit behind on that. So we’re coming now of age as it were into that time where companies need to really be thinking very critically about how are they going to address this problem? The problem being, like you said, compliance, what’s my liability? What’s my operational risk of allowing everybody to be on social? and then how do I help my team really capitalize on this amazing opportunity that exists out there?

[David] I realized also the problem is multifaceted. It starts with pictures. We’re going to get into that in just a minute. It talks about what you’re saying. The messaging is complaint. The solution for some companies is to just shut down all. Social media and you’re missing out companies. If you do it, I’m speaking to a lot of regulated financial institutions that kind of go down that get caught in that ditch of just shutting down everything because we can’t trust you. There’s a way to do it, but let’s start with pictures. So how does anyone using social media strike the right balance between a standard photo ads and personalizing video content?

[Joe] I think for the longest time standard we thought about social media in a new way to advertise, right? Like you would do a postcard or a mailer or even just a banner ad. It’s I want to post something that people will see and I think there’s a lot of value in that. We have a lot of times really good messages that corporate wants to get out and for the longest time, the thought was let me just post, let me create an account for ABC bank or XYZ mortgage company, or 123 Credit Union, and I’ll advertise our unique sales prop. What makes my mortgage company better than the one down the street? And we’ll just, we’ll run ads. We’ll create a Facebook account for this company and we’ll post that. That’s how things started. And then they realized hang on. People don’t really care about me as the company. They care about my loan officers. My loan officers are the ones that are. the way that we get our business in the door. Now that’s probably not true for our friends in the consumer direct world, but for our traditional retail folks that’s how you get your businesses from your loan officers or your originators and so then the second kind of wave was. All right let me post these images or these quote unquote ads to my loan officer accounts and a lot of CRMs out there decided, Hey, we can help with that. We’ll take this and then it became a very linear process. I have a post or an ad I want to post. I have a hundred or a thousand loan officers and I have, I’ll pick a day Wednesday at 10:00 AM and they say, this post is going out to these people on this day and so you’d get, if you were following more than one loan officer, more than one originator at ABC bank, you were gonna see the same exact post from all a hundred people the same exact time.

[David] And no personalization. Yeah,

[Joe] None. And it lacked personalization. It lacked really that authenticity that really works really well on social. So, now we’re into a world where personalization and that trust building is the most important aspect of any effective social media strategy. But in order to do that, you have to get your originators on board. They have to be able to say, I’m going to participate and you have varying levels of interest of individuals that have the capacity or the desire to personalize their content and that’s where Social Coach comes in a little bit is being able to automate some of the personalization of that content, that standard graphic content, which is really important. A lot of originators are busy. They’ve got a lot of time, they’re not creative individuals. So it’s a, just do it for me and it’s going to enable you to stay regular and consistent and personalized on social. But really to level that up then is to allow your originators to express themselves on a personal level and build that trust, build authority with that. You can only do by showing up yourself and really in today that is doing video content for themselves.

[David] So Joe, we all know the power of video. What percentage? greater reach. Do you have result of using videos versus stagnant pictures or standardized stock?

[Joe] It’s staggering, Dave. And actually, let me alliterate this just in a simple question back to you too, is like did you use Instagram today or Facebook or any of those platforms?

[David] Yeah. All the time. Yeah.

[Joe] All right. Last time you opened up Instagram, what was the first thing that hit you? What did you do?

[David] The first thing I would look at my daughter’s reels as you look at your grandkids, that’s what I’m doing.

[Joe] Yeah. You went right to a, you went right to video content and that is what the, these platforms are pushing. And so when you look at, okay, what type of content should I be doing? It’s what type of content are those platforms, Facebook, Instagram X, TikTok, you name it. YouTube shorts, right? They’re all pushing the same type of content that’s short form video content and there’s a psychological reason for that is it’s short, it’s consumable. And as humans, we have very short attention spans and so they’re pushing that type of content because that’s what engages you. That’s what keeps you as the user on the platform and so now, because of that, we’re actually seeing on average, the engagement you get. So, whether that’s likes comments, shares, et cetera, is 1200 times better than you would with a standard graphic post. What was the last time you even saw something like that? I don’t even know, most of it, and maybe a picture or two are here from there, from someone’s trip to Cabo, right? But mostly the content that I see is all video content and even now on LinkedIn too.

[David] It’s such a powerful, it holds you, it gets you and what causes you to, just something about our psychic, we want to, Watch whatever you’re talking about. Now you have a few seconds to get their attention for you to continue for the listener or the viewer to continue to go and that really gets into that. But with interest rates rising, how can the social media help loan officers stand out in the crowd? It’s creating videos. We already established that, but how do we do that?

[Joe] That’s a really good question. I think with the rates that have remained high for so long, I think for a long time, companies were like let’s just wait till they go back down and we can do our old same playbook again with refires and lower rates. But that’s not the case. Really what it is, it’s about building trust and building value and the biggest way to do that is through education, entertainment. Through video content on social media and you think about, okay, what are some tactical tips for a loan officer to help create this content? Think about the last time you had a phone call with any type of consumer, any realtor, what are some of the common questions that you got? Why are the interest rates the way they are today? I can explain that pretty easily in a video. I do that a hundred times a day as an originator, right? or what are the fees that go into this? Or what’s the process of a buy down? What does that mean? So already those are three just simple questions. I bet you every listener on here who is originating loans answers on a regular basis, instead of just doing that every single time on the phone, turn your camera on just like we’re doing right here and ask that same question. Hey, why are interest rates so high right now? Let me explain that the 10 year treasury, where the rates are at, they’re not too connected things. You explain that in a way that’s simple, easy to understand. But then people will consume that type of content.

[David] And you can also share, add a video on top of that or another post that someone else was posting that they had to say, Hey, I found this really interesting about what’s going on with interest rates and then hit the share button. So, a lot of people get caught up in the content that they have to be the generator of all the content and they don’t have the confidence to talk about interest rates for whatever reason and that’s interesting. There’s some really interesting relevant statistics to this. Could you share one of them with us?

[Joe] One of the really interesting things, I think the National Association of Realtors does a phenomenal job about investigating buyer behavior, agent behavior and they have a much broader scope of data that they’re pulling from and what they found when they were looking at how do consumers pick the realtor that they’re looking for and they’re looking from a social media standpoint, they said they found that 72% of buyers, which by the way, you’re thinking almost 3/4 of all buyers out there, they trust social media. If you show up like a social media personality more than even a personal recommendation. So, if they keep on following, if you show up yes. So if you show up and you’re consistently on there, you become a friend. I was just talking to an influencer not one that’s in the mortgage world, but a local influencer and I live in Orange County and California and this gal actually moved here from Tennessee and she highlights all the wonderful things about Orange County as someone, as a transplant, people are moving the opposite way than most people. But she said she shows up to Costco and hasn’t had her makeup done or whatever and just thinking I’m going to go pick up some tissue paper or whatever, or a gallon mayonnaise. I don’t know what, but we will come up to her and be like, Oh my gosh, give her hugs because they think that she’s their friend, because she’s always on the other side of the screen and there’s a psychological aspect to this too and so let me explain this to, this is really interesting is that there is no difference to our minds, to our brains of being face to face with somebody through a camera like we are today and being in person it, you treat it the same in your brain. We do get, there’s a little more nuances that you can get from being in person, some different social cues, but David, it’s like we’re together today and, the time that we get to spend together on video calls is just as valuable to me and to my brain and thinking that we have a strong relationship versus just email or if you were to just send me ideas of what to do every week or about social media here because we’re having a conversation and it’s online and even it’s a one sided conversation. I’m just talking to you like I would explaining as a loan officer. What tips are you to get yourself ready to buy a house? People think it’s you and they think that they are having a conversation with you so when you show up in real life, they’re like I know You know, and so you can skip a lot of…

[David] This is the power authenticity, because when you’re comfortable in your own skin and on your own camera in your own skin, you’re going to get comfortable. You’re going to be more transparent and that way the person they meet in the real person that they meet in person, am I saying that right?

[Joe] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

[DavId] It’s the same as what they’re experiencing on the camera. And I think it’s when we try to be someone we’re not. That it gets all bent out of shape when we’re trying to present you, man, you’re not at all like that person you propose to be on camera. So I think authenticity is really an important aspect of this as well.

[Joe] Authenticity is key and a really great way to do that too, is not just on your standard posts that you do out there, but using Instagram stories or sharing more personal things about your life, like your hobbies or your family. I just posted a picture, we got our whole street, our neighborhood to get giant 20 foot inflatable Santa Claus and so you drive down my street now and everybody, it’s like a little Santa army as you go down our street and I posted a picture about that and that was something that, just my story and just something that was personal. I’m like, Hey, we just put up a Santa and everyone down here and that got so much more engagement right off the bat because people get to just know me on a personal level. I’m going to that kind of weird Santa guy. Yeah.

[David] I think it’s those posting those personally. It’s finding the right balance in that. But let’s get back to those hidden costs of failing to support loan officers. A lot of people really struggle with this, especially when you look at a loan officer’s efforts on social media and talk about that because you coach on this. That’s what your business is about.

[Joe] Yeah. This is something that if I were running a mortgage division of a bank or a Credit Union or running an IMB, this would keep me up at night is what are my people saying out there online? You think about it there’s a lot of reputation, there’s. Brand risk, there’s reputation risk, but there’s also serious potential fines that could come out from you, right? And I won’t go into all the companies that have had fines for failure for compliance. I think if you google or you look at HousingWire, there were some recently in the news talking about not advertising or looking into different areas and in towns That could all be solved if you had a strong social presence and showing up in those areas, right? But you have other ones there was one a couple years ago maybe one or two years ago that and again, I’m not gonna mention the name, but what they had done is they had lost their approval for a certain loan program and then their loan officers kept on talking about it as if they had it.

And so much so that, that company is now no longer in business. And so I think, man if there was a way, if I would have, if they could have been a client, I could have helped them with that. Because what we do, one of the neat things about social coaching, I don’t mean this to be a pitch for us, but we’re looking for solutions.

This is probably the number one reason why people use Social Coach, other than a great way to help their loan officers promote themselves and that company is to make sure they’re doing it in a compliant manner. And we have a proactive compliance filter that looks at the captions, what’s being written. We OCR scrape all the images to make sure there’s no non-compliant images out there. But we also with the video, we’re transcribing all the audio and we’re pitting that against your own specific compliance rules and regulations that you have at your company specifically. And then we’re making sure that any content gets flagged or prevent it from going out before it goes out without you and the compliance marketing team have to review every single one of them. You only have to review the ones that might be concerning. I can’t imagine if I were in a compliance department today, having to review hundreds of hours of videos every single week, that would be horrible. So, either you’re not doing it today and you’re burying your head in the sand, Or you’re spending, three or four FTEs worth of time reviewing every post. So which one is it?

[David] I want to underscore what you just laid out there because you ran through that quickly. You’re looking at every video, you’re scraping it. You’re looking at images. That’s what Social Coach does?

[Joe] So, we manage all of the potential posts that are going out there. So, the marketing team and the individual loan officers can create content, store content, and we can actually edit videos for them, dynamic captions, emojis, B roll music, et cetera. But all of that content gets stored inside of Social Coach and the compliance rules and regulations of what can and cannot be said. As those posts go out, whether the marketing team is posting it on behalf of the loan officer or the loan officer has created that, that post themselves, whether that’s a standard text or image post or a video, and we are, as it’s going out reviewing that to ensure Quality and Compliance based on your specific rules and regulations. And like you said, the caption, the image and the text of the video.

[David] That is just so fascinating. I’m thinking of a conversation I had with the CEO of a bank. Now this bank and this CEO was very proud of the fact that he’s a faith based. You and I both are faith based folks, and he was very proud of his bank and how it really exemplified it’s in Texas. So again, very strong faith community here, how it represented the values of the community, how his bank represented it and one of the people I had on the call says does your social media employees, the social media of your employees reflect your values. He goes, Oh, I’m sure it does. Then started bringing up the images of the keggers that the employees were at some of the inappropriate outfits that were on there and they identified themselves as employees of the bank. He was horrified. So, he had the knee jerk reaction, just said, we’re going to shut anything down. You cannot post, you cannot have on your social media, any reference to our bank. And they went way overboard. Whereas it was a tool like yours, you actually solve that problem. That’s just amazing. I want people to clearly hear that.

[Joe] Let me say one more thing about that too, is, we work with banks a lot and a lot of banks I’ll share one that’s based in the Southeast. Before we came on board, their compliance and legal department would not allow any loan officer to post anything at all because of exactly what you said. They were concerned about what was going to be said or any reputation risk. They had no way of monitoring or controlling that. Fast forward to two years ago when we signed them up, they then started allowing just fit just Facebook, right? They said, okay, we’re going to open this up. We have a way of controlling this. It’s just Facebook and then slowly, but surely they dipped their toe in the water and now more and more. Are able now to even just do video content. So I think that a lot of banks are concerned and credit unions as well. Concerned about what’s being said. So, they would rather just do nothing, but that you don’t have to be worried about that anymore. You can actually have a system that will allow you to take advantage of this massive amount of potential leads and referrals and be compliant now.

[David] You work with a lot of loan officers out there and do you find that the majority of them are underestimating the power of social media for lead generation. Is that really a problem or are people catching on and getting on board?

[Joe] Yeah, I, I think we could break down the word underestimate, right? And I think there’s the underestimate their own power of being able to do it. I don’t think many, I think in today, the end of 2024, early 2025 Very few would argue that social media isn’t in a valuable endeavor, right? but I think that and if they do well, you know what to each their own, right? We all have our own bit way of doing business practice, but I would say you’re missing the boat. The average American spends two and a half hours a day Just on social media, right? 90% of all realtors are on social and this is again, another national association realtor stat. So 90% of all realtors are using social to, to get new business and when they just did their last survey of all the different types of ways that realtors are getting leads, right? So, you think about email, door knocking, postcards, whatever, whatever the case is, social media was the number one way, the number one highest quality leads was from your social, right?

[David] How do you think that is what’s the aspect about the quality of the lead versus the other opportunity and the other options out there for lead generation?

[Joe] I think it goes back to what we were just talking about is that, you build that trust already without you having to talk to people, you’re talking to a thousand people at one time as if you’re having a thousand individual conversations. And you being you, it just by showing up, you’re already ahead of a lot of people that are out there. So, you have this, it gives you an immediate authority just by talking about it because they, it’s there’s no one to check it. So, you build that trust, you have authority and you’re having fun and you’re in your specific community. But back to the underestimate thing. I think that what most originators, I think they know there’s value, but they don’t know where to get started or they don’t know what to say, they don’t know how to put it. How to edit it. They don’t know how to post it. It’s such an to so many, it feels so overwhelming that they would rather just not do it or stick to their old habits. and that’s one of the other ways that we come into play here from Social Coach is we help you with the tools that we have, we come up, we have hundreds of timely, relevant video scripts that you can pick and choose any time and as a company, you can take the ones that we have. You can delete them. You can add your own, whatever you want to create good quality video. If you don’t know where to begin, pick one of the scripts that we have. We have an in-app teleprompter that will tell you exactly what to say. It will scroll right in front of your face. So, you don’t have to be on the side or anything like that. And then we’ll edit the video for you. We’ll make it look professional. I’ll be ready to go. I have to even edit up the video. Did I? Yeah. We do all the, we do full video editing for them. So we’ll add the dynamic captions are on the bottom, which by the way, if you’re not having captions on that is a big miss because 90 plus percent of people on social media are watching without any sound and so if they can’t read what you’re saying, you’re going to scroll right past you. So, you need to have those captions on. That’s standard today.

[David] That’s powerful. But it comes back to the old compliance problem. What is the real ROI for proactive compliance tools for social media?

[Joe] I mean look,  think about this. What’s the potential cost of a fine, right? I see them anywhere from tens of thousands dollars up to millions of dollars. So, when you think about that, what’s your exposure? What’s your risk? That’s up to you as an executive a mortgage company to tell me what you think that cost is. But you know the reputational risk and the potential amount of fines or just having a bad experience. Like your friend that has the bank there in Texas, that sounds like that was a…

[David] He was really horrified when he saw the pictures of his, what he thought innocent tell us there’s partying hardy and crazily, we have some crazy parties to go on Texas and he saw them and they were all of the, because when he did a search, because they said they worked for his bank, they showed up in the feed and that’s what terrified him. Oh yeah. It just like this doesn’t represent us.

[Joe] Yeah. So, there’s that brand reputational risk, which is not what you want, but there’s real fines. And you think about too, that it’s the CFPB, it’s the FTC, it’s your state regulators as well. So you have all these different bodies, the same thing for any loan process that are looking at you and critiquing you and a couple a couple months ago, I was talking with one of the gentlemen from the CFPB. Who is the mortgage liaison and they are now, it’s not just a Hey, if we stumble upon it, they’re looking for potential fine. Yeah. They’re employing software now that goes out and scrapes the web for mentions of misleading claims or improper use of fees and rates online. So, you really need to be concerned about what your loan officers are saying on social and if you’re not, you’re going to have the potential to get fined a lot of money.

[David] It’s really staggering the risk that’s there, but it’s also even more staggering the opportunity that’s there. So when you do a SWOT or something like this, the threats and the opportunities, they’re huge on both ends of this thing. So it’s really exciting. How can loan officers leverage social media to become local celebrities in the market. I’m thinking of my friend, Chuck Woolery. We just had a funeral for him yesterday, 83 years old. That guy is such a big brand, a big name, but that was on national television. But I discovered as I was sitting there in the funeral, I realized they were talking about his career and how he had gotten famous and his journey to where he was at and I realized in my pocket, I hold a tool that can make me as famous in my local market or the markets I’m going after as what Chuck Woolery had back in the 20, 30 years ago when he was becoming the big celebrity was we have such an amazing powerful tool.

[Joe] It’s incredible. And, for the most part, it’s free, right? it’s out there. It costs you nothing to do that. Now, we can help you and it might cost a couple dollars here and there, but what’s interesting is in this world that we’re in today with consumer behavior is the first place they’re going to, and this is actually a really interesting step. So, Gen Z, so the youngest, they’re the next wave of homebuyers. It’s even bigger than millennials. First place to go when they’re researching anything. Before they go to Google even is TikTok. They’re searching TikTok in higher numbers when than Google. I’m not kidding. It’s out there. Gen Z are going to TikTok first. They want to consume their information about what they’re looking for in video format. From trusted advisors, just like you online before they go to Google. But that being said, you have to become discoverable and so if you’re not on social media, and like I said earlier, the average American spends two and a half hours a day on social media. If you’re not there, somebody else is and so if you are not there, someone else is going to take that opportunity that you could have had and they’re going to take that lunch, right? And so the other thing of it too is let’s say, the other thing that happens is I think this was a stat this is from National Association of Realtors, 90% of homebuyers are googling their loan officer, let’s say the realtor gives a referral for David Lykken, the loan officer. The 90% of those buyers are going to Google you before they even give you a call. They want to see reviews on other people having worked with you before, they want to see your social media and they get to know you before they even call you, but it’s if you were to ask any kind of SaaS sales or any kind of any type of sales a couple of years ago, they would say 60% of the buying decision was done before they even reached out to you, right? Because they researched your website, all the same thing. It’s now even greater, right? 80 to 90% of that decision to work with you is done before they pick up the phone, send you a text message, a DM, an email, whatever and so if you are not present on there, you’re not showing up, you’re missing out. But if you do show up, you have the ability to capture such a large amount of business and it’s for everybody too, I was with one of our clients, Annie Mac about a month ago at their national sales conference and they’ve been a client for a couple of years now and I had a gentleman who, a 63 year old guy who lives in rural Maryland. All right. Probably the last person that you would think, and he’s great by the way. Tim Murphy is one of my favorite guys ever. So, he had never done any video content in his life a year ago, he decided, you know what, I’m gonna start doing this. It worked with Social Coach. We helped him create these videos. Every week he posted at least one video for the last 52 weeks and he was on stage in front of all the loa officers. That’s a big company. And he said, look, I’m the last person that you would think would be doing this. And I was really hesitant to do it. My first videos were terrible, but after a while it became a little bit easier and now he said in this last, I am getting two to three new deals directly from my social media that I was getting before. So when you think about that, what do you make as a loan officer and originator on every single deal? If you make an additional, let’s just say two or let’s just say one more a month or one more quarter, what would that do for your business? And for an executive, if you can times that by the number of people that you have in your company, what would that do for your business? And, we’re seeing a lot more executives right now put this in the forefront of their strategy for 2025. And so, you’ve got to believe that this is a race. It’s a race to be the most out there, a race to capture the attention. Our attention span is so short, the onus is on you to continue to show up and show up regularly on social to be able to capture business by with today’s consumers.

[David] Major props out to my good friends there at AnnieMac and Joe Panebianco. I think the world of him and Craig and the rest of the team, such a great team and it’s progressive companies, leading companies like that, that have this advantage and then you find a guy like Tim is older gentlemen. I’m 73, so I got him by 10 years, but be out there and taking the risk of going out and doing this. He said in that testimony that he gave in front of his whole company about you, that you were instrumental in helping him do what is it that you specifically do Joe to help someone who has that I referred to as the blank sheet of paper. When you go to write a something you go, I look at a blank sheet of paper and I can’t seem to come up with any words out yet. I speak words constantly. How do you get people overcome that fear that doing their first video, the second video and getting into a cadence of radio, regular video creation.

[Joe] I love this. There’s so many competing voices out there in this space today that are saying, I’ll do this, do that. And a lot of it’s aspirational. It’s just get comfortable on camera, do all these things. And there’s a lot of value that you have to get comfortable. I get that, but there’s tactical things that Social Coach does. And I think our sweet spot really is working at that company level, helping everybody, not just those top people is some, a lot of people think a lot of companies think, Oh, this is just for my young people that really love social media. They’re going to do really well on this. No, that’s for everybody. That’s the thing is it really is for every single one officer out there to do and what’s the great thing is Social Coach can really help to make it stupid simple that every single person can do it at your organization. It doesn’t take much. We’re going to tell them exactly what to say. We’re going to give them the ability to read it right on screen and make it look like they’re not reading anything with a teleprompter right from their phone. They have their phone. They don’t need any fancy equipment. They don’t need any fancy microphones like you and I have right here. Sure. You can do that and it’s going to make you look a little better, but you don’t need that. And so when you take all the excuses away, the only thing that’s stopping any loan officer from actually doing this is just turning that camera on and that, that sometimes is the hardest part. Okay. But one of the things that we do at social coach too, that helps with those soft skills is we have regular bootcamps where actually, yeah, Ashley Musick and Brand Treadway for my team, if you’re a Social Coach client, you get this for free. We have weekly actually monthly bootcamp. So it runs, for the first of the 30th of every month. And you meet together as a group once a week, and we give you a challenges and stats to help you overcome that hurdle of getting started so you can get comfortable on camera. You have a group of people to do it with that are your tribe to help you get started. And we’ve seen the most amazing things happen from this bootcamp where you know, people who you would that really were reticent to get started are now having massive success in their first, second, third, fourth, fifth months. And so, you need a balance of that soft skilled, coaching and training that hence the name Social Coach. But also that technology that makes it very easy, very simple and with the ability that we have to connect directly to those social platforms too, there’s no excuses. You shoot it. We tell you what to say. You record it. We edit it. And we post it directly to your accounts and we make sure it’s compliant.

[David] That’s a full service package to into a need that is growing and it’s growing more complex in many ways, but that makes it so much easier and any of the compliance people, we have a lot of operational people listen to this podcast and they’re going. This could be the solution. Maybe I should get out of the way and should sign up and get behind this because of what it could do for my institution, for my bank, for my mortgage company. It’s very good. Joe, this is very exciting. I can’t wait to have more of our listeners get exposed to this. How can people reach out to you or get to know more about, learn more about Social Coach?

[Joe] Yeah, definitely go to our website, socialcoach.io. You can always email me joe@socialcoach.io and or check us out on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, any of the social platforms out there. Do like your clients do to you go get to know us figure out what’s going on there. Send us a DM, shoot us a text, whatever you need. We’re here for you. We’d love to talk.

[David] Yeah, that’s awesome. Joe, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day to come here and share with our listening audience this incredible product and what you’re doing in a great, wonderful service, a much needed service in this complex, ever evolving market that we’re in. Thank you so much, Sir.

[Joe] Thank you, David.

[David] Appreciate it.

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Joe Wilson is the CEO and founder of SocialCoach, a cutting-edge platform revolutionizing how mortgage and financial professionals engage on social media. With over 15 years of experience in mortgage tech, including leadership roles at SimpleNexus and Ellie Mae, Joe has a proven track record of driving growth and innovation. Under his leadership, SocialCoach has empowered countless sales professionals to build their brands, drive engagement, and increase revenue through compliant, scalable social media strategies. A thought leader and advocate for modernizing the sales process, Joe is passionate about helping businesses thrive in a digital-first world.