Today we are rebroadcasting a podcast series about innovation in the mortgage industry. Welcome TERRY WAKEFIELD, President and CEO of The Wakefield Company (TWC), as our guest. Terry is a mortgage industry veteran with multiple decades of experience as an innovator and entrepreneur. His experience touches all aspects of mortgage origination, production and servicing, supply chain management, capital markets, strategic alliances, and executive advisory services. On today's podcast, we will learn about TWC’s Process Architecture tools that have transformative potential when combined with best-of-breed software components. It was this process architecture that to what Jack Nunnery of Texas Capital Bank, talked about last week where he called on a group of of innovators to help design an exciting new Mortgage Correspondent Aggregation (MCA) platform. Terry, myself, staff from Loan Logics and numerous others worked wtih Jack on the design of MCA. The result of that work effort is going to change how correspondent lending is done.