FUTURE OF MTG LENDING (Part 4) – New Legal Risks for Lenders

FUTURE OF MTG LENDING (Part 4) – New Legal Risks for Lenders

The world of mortgage lending is become more litigious all the time.  On this program, we had as our special guest Mitch Kider, Managing Member of Weiner, Brodsky, Sidman and Kider.  This is a MUST LISTEN TO broadcast that is pacted with so much information about the increased legal risks everyone is exposed to in this over regulated environment we find ourselves as mortgage lenders.  And the legal risk is not only coming at companies.  For the first time, it can involve loan originators and others in the loan origination process.  While this is not a pleasant topic, it is one in which you MUST be well acquainted.  Ignorance is not an excuse.  Mitch does a great job of helping you the listener stay up-to-date on the latest legal risk and does so in a positive and informative manner.  

Created BY mortgage professional FOR mortgage professionals, Lykken on Lending is a weekly 60-minute radio program hosted by mortgage veteran, David Lykken. Joining the program each week is Alice Alvey providing a LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, Joe Farr with a MARKET UPDATE, Andy Schell (a/k/a "The Profit Doctor") providing valuable info on FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT and ROB KATZ of DMD, Inc. with the "THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT" report and TONY GARRITANO providing a TECHNOLOGY UPDATE.