The MORTGAGE CALL REPORT (Part I) – Learn what is involved!

The MORTGAGE CALL REPORT (Part I) – Learn what is involved!

On today's program, David Lykken and regular weekly guests, Andy Schell & Joe Farr begin to dissect the new MORTGAGE CALL REPORT getting into the details of WHO and WHEN this new report is to be filed.  LOAN ORIGINATORS, don't have the mistaken notion that you don't need to care about this report.  While you may not have to file a report (unless you are a one person entity), it is critical that you be aware of WHAT is involved in preparing this report.  This broadcast is the first in a series of broadcasts on the MORTGAGE CALL REPORT.  Be sure to download this program and share it with your industry friends and associates as well as with those that own your company assuming you are not the owner.  E-mail us your feedback and any questions at