Is Data “Tutti” or “Fruiti”? – TMSpotlight by Les Parker

Is Data “Tutti” or “Fruiti”? – TMSpotlight by Les Parker

06-10-2024 Is Data "Tutti" or "Fruiti"? ------------------------- “Little Richard, what about the data-sensitive market?” Tutti Frutti, go uppie. Tutti frutti, go downie. Tutti Frutti, go uppie. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? About half. Yet traders keep dancing with every datum as if it changes the world while keeping prices within tightening ranges. Their dancing matters since no one knows the grain of sand that moves the pile. With healthy two-way flows and rigorous debate over the direction of long-term rates, each newly revealed datum shifts within a range, like Friday’s Jobs. So, Little Richard, tell us again about a data-sensitivity market. Tutti Frutti, go uppie, Awop-bop-a-loo-mop, alop bom bom --------------------- Song: Tutti Fruitti (1955) Little Richard

Les Parker, CMB Managing Director, Transformational Mortgage Solutions

Les Parker

Les Parker is the Managing Director at Transformational Mortgage Solutions Advisory Board Member for Ainsworth Advisors; and has served as the Senior Vice President of Industry Relations and Consulting at LoanLogics, a technology and services provider focused on improving mortgage loan quality, performance, and reliability throughout the loan life-cycle. His responsibilities included managing the company’s life of loan analytics and monitoring capabilities, overseeing consulting services, contributing to the strategic planning team, and communicating with industry leaders to develop and maintain positive relationships. He focused on identifying threats and strategic opportunities.

Parker has executive mortgage banking experience in capital markets, servicing, operations, production, and financial management. Parker has served as director of the largest private issuer of CMOS. His educational background covers music, religious studies, mortgage banking, mathematics, and business administration. Parker holds a BBA in Finance, and other degrees, and has held numerous securities licenses. Parker is a Master Certified Mortgage Banker, a designation conferred by the Mortgage Bankers Association. Parker writes, speaks, and provides audio content,  Since the late 1980s, he publishes a daily newsletter connecting global macroeconomics to the US interest rate movement.