Due to technology issues beyond our control, we were unable to play the interview with HOWARD LAX on Monday's podcast which was on the topic of Marketing Service Agreements (MSA's). Now that BlogTalkRadio has been able to fix the issues, we are able to share with you this interview. Again, my apologies and hope you will find this interview of value. David Lykken, Host of Lykken On Lending!
It seems that Marketing Service Agreements (MSA's) have drawn the ire of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), but why? What has been the evolution of Marketing Service Agreements (MSA's) and why now have they become so 'toxic' to the point that a number of major financial institutions have announced that they are terminating all MSA's? Is there any MSA structure that the CFPB would find acceptable? If so, do the risks involved out weigh the advantages? ON this podcast we have as our special guest, HOWARD LAX of the Bodman law firm. Howard will answer these questions and will explain why so many are exciting MSA's. Don't miss this important discussion and interview with HOWARD LAX.