7-6-15 INNOVATION UPDATE with SPECIAL GUEST Brian Fitzpatrick of LoanLogics

7-6-15 INNOVATION UPDATE with SPECIAL GUEST Brian Fitzpatrick of LoanLogics

This broadcast is the first in a series of broadcasts looking at recent INNOVATION in the mortgage industry.  Kicking off this series will be our special guest Brian Fitzpatrick, President and CEO of LoanLogics.  

This past Thursday, the National Mortgage News, in their publication Mortgage Technology, ran a story written by Bonnie Sinnock about a new technology that will be launching next week to automate and streamline close loan purchasing and quality control processes for corresponded investors.  To read this story, click on this link… http://www.nationalmortgagenews.com/news/technology/new-loanlogics-tech-aims-to-streamline-correspondent-investor-tasks-1055051-1.html?site=default_tech&utm_campaign=mortgage%20technology-jul%202%202015&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&ET=nationalmortgage%3Ae4678644%3A3896591a%3A&st=email

Tune in and listen to Brian as he talks about his company's latest innovation and how this new technology will impact a variety of correspondent investor tasks, including new seller applications, product pricing and eligibility, prefunding audits, pipeline management and loan funding/boarding.

Created BY mortgage professional FOR mortgage professionals, Lykken on Lending is a weekly 60-minute radio program styled “podcast” hosted by mortgage veteran, David Lykken.