On this episode of Lykken on Lending, David interviews our special guest Matt Rettick, the man with a plan!
For the past 25 years, he's helped companies and individuals build strong financial futures through smart and strategic planning.
Our focus this week is in Developing an Employee Retention Strategy.
• According to Gallup’s 2017 State of the American Workplace Report, 51% of currently employed adults in the U.S. say they are searching for new jobs or watching for new opportunities! This is up from 19% in 2012.
• The 2015 Tiny Pulse Survey of over 500 organizations worldwide, and over 400,000 anonymous employee responses, discovered that 78% of today’s business leaders rate Engagement and Retention as one of their top concerns!
• Gallup also discovered in April of this year, that 46% of Americans project that they will not be financially comfortable when they retire.
• The Allianz Reclaiming the Future Study, found that the #1 fear of most Americans is not death, it’s running out of money in retirement! (61%)
Do you have a plan in place for your employees?