5-22-17 An Interesting Conversation About Employee Engagement with Sara & Earl
How willing are your employees to go above and beyond the call of duty? Join David as he has an interesting conversation about employee engagement with Earl Ameen and Sara Russell of Beyond Ten. Learn how you can impact both sides of the work force. For employees, they can feel more fulfilled at work, like what you do actually matters in the big scheme of things. For employers and business owners, it boils down to key performance indicators, one of which is retention. Don't miss this strategic and helpful podcast!
As normal, the first half of the program will feature, Joe Farr of MBSQuoteline providing a rate & market update, Alice Alvey of Indecomm Global Services providing a regulatory & legislative update as well as Sam Garcia of Mortgage Daily giving us a quick overview of the latest news stories impacting our industry and Andy Schell, a/k/a "Profit Doctor" sharing ideas on how to improve your bottom line.
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Thank you, David Lykken