2018-08-06 Legislative Update with Alice Alvey

2018-08-06 Legislative Update with Alice Alvey

Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at 4.58.49 PM Alice Alvey, Master CMB Vice President Partner Education and Training 8241 Dow Circle Strongsville, OH 44136 D: 440.420.4294 C: 248.941.1939 Alice Alvey is VP of Partner Education and Training for Union Home Mortgage. She is responsible for development of their World Class Training program designed to support UHM partners and organizational effectiveness. Prior to UHM, Alice served as Senior Vice President at Indecomm leading the Indecomm-Mortgage U division, Internal QA and Compliance and SaaS technologies. Indecomm acquired Mortgage U in 2013 where Alice was President/Co-founder, providing training and consulting since 1996. Prior to MU she served as SVP of Operations at a national bank overseeing operations for wholesale, retail and correspondent from underwriting through servicing, and compliance She has been in the trenches of mortgage lending operations from application through servicing for over 30 years. Her authoring work in training content, policies and procedures and the FHA/VA Practical guides illustrates her ability to bridge regulatory requirements with day to day operations. Alice has been a  weekly contributor to the Lykken on Lending show since its beginning in April 2009 and has made her weekly contributions to 450+ episodes!