12/28/15 Answering the question “Why, do we do what we do?”

12/28/15 Answering the question “Why, do we do what we do?”

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break and am looking forward to the New Year.  Some refer to this week between Christmas and the New Year as "gap week".  Most of us spend some amount of time during this week reflecting over the past year and what we have accomplished (or didn't accomplish), as well as pondering the New Year and setting goals.  That is what today's program is all about.  

One of the most listened to TED Talks of all time is Simon Sinek's "How Great Leaders Inspire Action"… click on this link to watch https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action.  This video has had over 24 million views and is from Simon's book "Start with WHY?"  If you haven't already, I would encourage you to watch this video and then read this book.  Even if you have watched this video dozens of time as I have, it would be worth re-watching it this week… gap week.  

That is the focus of this program today… to challenge YOU to examine WHY you are doing whatever you are going to be doing in 2016 so that it will be your best year ever.  

David Lykken, Host of Lykken On Lending