11-27-17 Why Inbound is the Future for Mortgage Marketing with Dave Scilabro

11-27-17 Why Inbound is the Future for Mortgage Marketing with Dave Scilabro

As we continue our series on Social Media, our guest this week is Dave Scilabro of Harvest ROI. Harvest ROI aims to help their clients find a unique strategy in order to drive sustainable growth and deliver a world-class customer experience.

About HarvestROI:

HarvestROI offers RealGrowth™ (Go to Market Strategy Development), InboundMortgage™ (Inbound marketing packages for loan officers, branches, and consumer direct mortgage lenders), PipelineBridge™ (Sales pipeline development and marketing) as well as executive consulting services to help mortgage lenders grow sales, increase revenues and build brand equity. HarvestROI offer RealGrowth™  

Dave is an accomplished executive consultant with over 25 years of marketing and sales experience. Before founding HarvestROI, Dave was the Chief Marketing Officer for a growing national mortgage company.

Click and sign up to get a FREE ebook called, "Inbound Marketing for Mortgage Lenders".

As normal, the first half of the program will feature, Joe Farr of MBSQuoteline providing you a rate & market update followed by Les Parker’s Market-Logics Live, a macroeconomic perspective on the economy with a music parody.  Next is Alice Alvey of Union Home providing a regulatory & legislative update followed by Allen Pollack giving us a Tech Report of the latest technology impacting our industry. Then we wrap up the first half the program with Andy Schell, a/k/a “Profit Doctor” sharing ideas on how to improve your bottom line.

Please tell others about this program and take a minute to share a link to this program with your friends and associates in the mortgage industry.

Thank you, David Lykken