1/04/2016 ECONOMIC UPDATE with Mark Fleming, Chief Economist of First American

1/04/2016 ECONOMIC UPDATE with Mark Fleming, Chief Economist of First American

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I have invited MARK FLEMING, the Chief Economist of First American, to join us again on the "Hot Topic" segement to give our listeners updated economic forecast for the New Year especially now that the Federal Reserve has raised the Fed Funds rate.  

Mark will be answering questions such as the following: 

  • Can we expect interest rates to steadily rise thoughout the New Year as the Federal Reserve suggests?
  • What will be factors that could influence the direction of interest rates in the next 90-days?  
  • Will Home Sales remain strong in 2016 if interest rates rise?
  • What will be the overall lending climate in 2016?  

Created BY mortgage professional FOR mortgage professionals, Lykken on Lending is a weekly 60-minute radio program styled “podcast” hosted by mortgage veteran, David Lykken. Joining the program each week is Joe Farr with a MARKET UPDATE, Alice Alvey providing a LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, Paul Muolo of IMFnews.com giving a quick MTG NEWS HEADLINES update and Andy Schell (a/k/a "The Profit Doctor") providing tips on FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT.  
