10-30-2023 Weekly Mortgage Industry Update

10-30-2023 Weekly Mortgage Industry Update

Once again, the Lykken on Lending podcast provides a highly informative update on the latest mortgage industry news starting with Adam DeSanctis of the MBA with the “MBA Mortgage Minute” report, followed by Les Parker’s always insightful “Macro View of the Markets” report that always includes his signature music parody.  Next is Matt Graham of MBS Live, who provides a report on what is anticipated to be “Moving The Markets” in the week ahead. Then, David Kittle reports on “All Things Originations,” followed by Alice Alvey providing the “Regulatory & Legislative Update.”  Then Allen Pollack provides an informative “Tech Update” report that is loaded with the latest developments in technology that impacts our industryFinally, we wrap up the programa with Marc Helm, a.k.a. “Mr. Mortgage Servicing,” sharing his knowledge and wisdom on Loan Servicing and the GSEs.  We invite YOU to join the tens of thousands of mortgage professionals who listen weekly and let us know your thoughts.  We would love to hear from you.