10-2-17 The Digital Mortgage Market with Allen Pollack

10-2-17 The Digital Mortgage Market with Allen Pollack

With the mortgage market transforming at such a rapid pace, your company needs to be on board.  Join David and Allen Pollack as they discuss the exciting events and products revealed at the 2017 National Mortgage News Digital Mortgage Conference in San Francisco, CA.  Learn about new partnerships and opportunities; new technologies that help you think mobile first not just mobile ready; and digitizing the mortgage process through closings, disclosures, and data acquisition. This will be an information rich podcast!

As normal, the first half of the program will feature, Joe Farr of MBSQuoteline providing you a rate & market update followed by Les Parker’s Market-Logics Live, a macroeconomic perspective on the economy with a music parody.  Next is Alice Alvey of Union Home providing a regulatory & legislative update followed by Sam Garcia of Mortgage Daily giving us a quick overview of the latest news stories impacting our industry. Then we wrap up the first half the program with Andy Schell, a/k/a “Profit Doctor” sharing ideas on how to improve your bottom line.

Please tell others about this program and take a minute to share a link to this program with your friends and associates in the mortgage industry.

Thank you, David Lykken