1-30-17 A Sneak Peak into the MBA Mergers & Acquisitions Workshop in Dallas

1-30-17 A Sneak Peak into the MBA Mergers & Acquisitions Workshop in Dallas

Are you looking for alternative ways to grow your business? Consider attending a workshop that will discuss that as well as all things buying and selling. During our Hot Topic, get a sneak peak of the major themes and take-aways that will be addressed in detail at the MBA Mergers & Acquisitions Workshop in Dallas on February 22-23. with MBA guest, Marina Walsh. Added bonus: an update on the latest happenings at MBA HQ. As normal, the first half of the program will feature, Joe Farr of MBSQuoteline providing a rate & market update, Alice Alvey of Indecomm Global Services providing a regulatory & legislative update as well as Paul Muolo of IMF News & Sam Garcia of Mortgage Daily giving us a quick overview of the latest news stories impacting our industry and Andy Schell, a/k/a "Profit Doctor" sharing ideas on how to improve your bottom line. Please tell others about this program and take a minute to share a link to this program with your friends and associates in the mortgage industry. For information on advertising with Lykken on Lending, email jeff@sellersmediaservices.com #AliceAlvey #JoeFarr #AndySchell #ProfitDoctor #PaulMuolo #SamGarcia #DavidLykken #MarketUpdate #LegislativeUpdate #HotTopic #MarinaWalsh #MBA #MBAconferences