02-26-18 How is your Company Culture Representing Your Business?

02-26-18 How is your Company Culture Representing Your Business?

In this episode of the Lykken on Lending podcast, David interviews Ian Franz and Julie Gross about company culture.

What Are You Doing About Creating Culture?

If you're not actively setting out to create the type of culture you want at your business, then you can be assured that it is being created for you by your employees, even if it's a mesh of clashing personalities from various employees.

In this episode we'll discuss what makes great culture and how you can begin to influence your company to move in a direction that inspires everyone to be their best.

About Ian Franz – Director of Culture at Veterans United Home Loans

Ian Franz is honored to serve as the Director of Culture at Veterans United Home Loans, which he has done for seven years.

Julie Gross

EVP, Chief Training Officer and Culture Keeper – Certainty Home Loans

Julie’s passion for the mortgage banking industry is evident from the minute you meet her. With over forty years of mortgage banking experience, Julie can speak confidently about all aspects of our business.

As usual, the first half of the program will feature Joe Farr providing you a rate & market update, followed by Les Parker’s Market-Logics Live, a macroeconomic perspective on the economy with a music parody.  Next is Alice Alvey of Union Home providing a regulatory & legislative update followed by Allen Pollack giving us a Tech Report of the latest technology impacting our industry. Then we wrap up the first half the program with Andy Schell, a/k/a “Profit Doctor” sharing ideas on how to improve your bottom line.

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